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Battle of Hastings 1066AD - Senlac Hill where is it?
and what might Senlac mean?

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Senlac Hill was there only one? and what does it mean? 
On this page I will try to put forward various comments on the origination of Senlac, and the possibility of a different location from where the monks of Battle Abbey claimed it was.

Current location of Senlac Hill
Senlac Hill its current location Senlac Hill is nowadays inside Battle Abbey in the small town of Battle in East Sussex and is shown by the red dot on the map below.
Documentary evidence for Senlac Hill and Hegeland

By looking at the documents available from the time of the Battle, there is only one reference to Senlac which comes from Orderic Vitalis(Gesta Normannorum Ducum) the relevent passage reads :

' On the other side, the English troops, assembled from all parts of the neighbourhood, took post at a place which was anciently called Senlac, many of them personally devoted to the cause of Harold, and all to that of their country, which they were resolved to defend against the foreigners.'

The Battle Abbey Chronicles make no mention of Senlac - that seems odd as its in the current Abbey Grounds, and if the monks felt it was important they would surely have had a mention in the text. The Abbey Chronicles refer to the nearby hill as Hecheland.

'Having arrived at a hill called Hecheland, situated in the direction of Hastings'

The name Senlac was introduced into English history by the Victorian historian E.A. Freeman who suggested that Senlac meant Sand Lake in Old English with the Norman conquerors calling it (in French) Sanguelac('Blood lake').
Possibly Senlac Hill/Hecheland from the Bayeux Tapestry
Senlac Hill in the Bayeux Tapestry
There is no mention of the name Senlac in the Bayeux Tapestry, but a hill is shown.

The ground looks very uneven, either from man made ditches (see our Malfosse page) or just implying broken ground.
The local landscape relating to Senlac

Sinner Lake

It would seem unlikely that a place was called sinner lake in an area with minimal population.

Sand Lake
To the north of modern Senlac Hill there is a very steep valley with a spring that flows down into the Brede valley, the nearest pond in that direction would have been towards Marley Lane a mile or so away but no reason to call it senlac as marley means marl island(marl meaning clay).

To the south east are a few small ponds, but again just the clayey ponds that cover the area. Please be aware that a lot of ponds that are now in the area were caused by doodlebug explosions from World War 2 falling short of London or being turned over by typhoon fighters.

It would seem unlikely that a place was called sand lake in an area with no sand.

Iron Lake
To the south there is now the pond created at Powdermills, but originally this may have been created by the Romans digging iron at Peppering eye a few hundred metres to the south east.

To the North West of the Battle Abbey lies the hamlet of Beech(now Beech Farm) which was in the Domesday Book and was an iron working site that made cannons for the Royal Navy in the early 1700's.(please refer to the Wealden Iron Research Group's database )

It would seem quite possible that iron lake is the translation, however it could have been at Pepperingeye near the Abbey, or towards Netherfield at Beech Farm

Ash tree Lake
To the west towards Ashburnham we have an area known for its ash trees, and near to Ashburnham(Meaning the Stream in the Ash trees) there are a number of lakes, probably formed again for iron working , so there may be a second Senlac hill. Please see the map below.

It would seem quite possible that ash tree lake is the translation, however this would mean the Battle was near Netherfield, Ashburnham or Penhurst and not at Battle.

Possible alternative locations 
Senlac and possible sites for the hill
The above map shows possible other Senlac Hills based on the local geography, please take a look at the above details and make your own judgement on the location of the real Senlac.

The larger circles with names show the Domesday settlements in the area, the red lines are ancient Celtic ridgeways that the Romans and Saxons used, the green shaded area shows the Forest of Andredsweald.

The shading of the settlements denotes the damage recorded in the Domesday Book, red denotes wasted, the yellow denotes damaged and green undamaged settlements.

If Senlac is derived from isenlacu then this would mean that the real Isenlac Hill would have been either at Netherfield, as this was the point where the main ancient ridgeways (taken over by the Romans) from Rye and Hastings to London joined or on the B2096 at Netherfield High Wood. These were both very close to the edge of the great Forest of Andredsweald, which is recorded in some of the chronicles. And finally the B2096 is also known as Kane Hythe Road(Cyne hyð rad) which can be translated from the Saxon as 'the starting point of the King'.

The location of Battle Abbey (St Martin of Tours)
Regarding the current placement of Battle Abbey, this was built 20 years after the Battle of Hastings (when the majority of the participants had died), on a position well suited to the monks as it was on a hill, it had nearby water and ponds for fish, and was built across the Hastings to London main road hence capturing all the traffic on that route. If the abbey was not the actual location for the Battle of Hastings then this legend could have been created as a counter to other monastries that had relics that pilgrims (tourists) would pay to see.

My personal belief is that if Senlac Hill is a valid reference to the Battle of Hastings then Isenlac was the iron pond near to modern Beech Farm, this was called Beech in the Domesday book.

If this is the case then there is a distinct possibility that the Abbey Battle site is not the real site of the Battle of Hastings, and that it is along Kane Hythe Road either at Netherfield High Wood, or at Netherfield itself.

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Author Simon M - Last updated - 2024-08-31 13:34:04
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