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Documents relating to Romans in our area
The pages below show links to all documents that reference to Roman influence in this area
   Document Description    
  The Roman Gallic Empire 260AD ‑ 274AD     
  Roman Fortifications   
  Roman Ironworking in the weald and why it declined   
  Roman Locations that have not been identified and roads that just terminate    
  Town Creep ‑ a Roman settlement ??   

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Contact Simon
Author Simon M - Last updated - 01/01/1970 00:00
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Wadhurst History Society
The Rudes as lots of people call us, are an outdoor touring theatre company specialising in taking new & original theatre to mainly small rural communities and a few towns across the South of England. We were founded in 1998 & first toured in the Summer of 1999. Currently we tour only in the summer performing 50+ times nightly during June, July & August.
Hastings Area Archaeological Research Group
Battle Museum of Local History
(Hard to find but worth the Visit)
Battle and District Historical Society
Wealden Iron Research Group
Hastings Rock the place to listen to
For all things mosaic, commissions workshops etc please contact Hannah
The Bald Explorer for local documentaries
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