Saxon Seaxe Anglo Saxon History
Map Position
This map shows the position of domesday locations containing 'FortAD1066, anderida' centered on Ashburnham in Sussex.
Map Logic
This map shows the area around Battle and Hastings in 1066.

Roman roads are shown as black lines, red lines show old Roman Ridge trackways and purple lines show theoretical Roman roads implied by village and road names.

The thickness of the road implies the width of the Roman metalled surface.

The sea is shown raised by 5 metres to accomodate the high tide level changes since 1066 see our Sea Level page.

The green shaded area shows what we believe is the area of the impassible Forest of Andredsweald.
Icon Key:
Not Effected < 20 people
Not Effected 20‑40 people
Not Effected 40‑80 people
Not Effected 80‑120 people
Not Effected > 120 people
Damaged < 20 people
Damaged 20‑40 people
Damaged 40‑80 people
Damaged 80‑120 people
Damaged > 120 people
Wasted < 20 people
Wasted 20‑40 people
Roman Major Fort
Wasted 80‑120 people
Norman Fort

Battle of Hastings AD1066 - Phase 7 - Raiding the area

Raiding the area and foraging.


Battle of Hastings AD1066 - Phase 7 - Raiding the area
Raiding the area and foraging.
This page shows the documentary evidence from translated original documents

Anglo Saxon Chronicles

No reference to this subject in this document.

Battle Abbey Chronicles

And having burnt the greatest part of the ships (lest any of his followers, relying upon the hope of returning home, should be careless in the design that they had undertaken), the duke — now shortly about to become a king — anxiously hastened to reduce the surrounding country.


The Motte and Bailey is built and the troops go off and burn the villages.
odo eps willelm rotbert
  (Bishop Odo, William and Robert)

iste jussit ut foderetur castellum at Hastenga
  (he ordered that a motte should be built at Hastings)

  (the camp)

hic nuntiatum est willelm de harold
  (here William is told about Harold)

hic domus incenditur
  (here a house is burned)

Carmen de Triumpho Normannico

They invade the countryside, they lay waste and put to the torch
One Englishman kept hidden under the sea cliffs
He sees the countless ranks stream forth
Blazing flames devour homes
And all the children shed tears at the slaughter of their parents

Florence of Worcester

No reference to this subject in this document.

Henry of Huntingdon

No reference to this subject in this document.

Master Wace

The first day they held their course along the seashore ; and on the morrow came to a castle called Penevesel. The squires and foragers, and those who looked out for booty, seized all the clothing and provisions they could find, lest what had been brought by the ships should fail them ; and the English were to be seen fleeing before them, driving off their cattle, and quitting their houses. All took shelter in the cemeteries, and even there they were in grievous alarm.

William of Jumièges/Orderic Vitalis(Gesta)

No reference to this subject in this document.

William of Malmesbury

No reference to this subject in this document.

Quedam Exceptiones de Historia Normannorum et Anglorum

No reference to this subject in this document.

Phases of the Battle of Hastings 1066AD

No reference to this subject in this document.

Total Population(ex slaves) of the 250 Domesday Villages in 1086AD shown is 8645
This would equate to a Fyrd(national service) of approximately 518 soldiers.

Please Note that the estimate for the Fyrd is based on 6% of the
population(excluding Priests and Slaves) being eligible for military duties.

Summary of Domesday information for this map

Population Overview
Villagers 5139 
Cottagers 402 Thegns
Smallholders 2260
Slaves 250
Freemen 26 Potential Fyrd
Priests 9
Burgesses 809 Thegns

Occupation Overview
Churches 94
Mills 112
Fisheries 33
Salthouses 334
Ploughs 2704

Land Overview
Plough Land 2393 acres
Meadows 3482 acres
Woodlands 2417 acres

Animals Overview
No Animal details recorded in Domesday

Value(geld) 26992739

External References in no particular order :-
Anglo Saxon Chronicles
Online Anglo Saxon dictionary
Online Etymology dictionary
Open Domesday Book - The first free online copy of the Domesday Book
The Ermine Street Guard Roman re-enactment and research Society
The "Kent A" cadastre - page 5 - Peterson 2002
Archaeologia Cantiana Online
Romney Marsh Research Trust
Romney Marsh the Fifth Continent
VillageNet the reference guide to villages in Kent & Sussex
Global warming Flood Maps
The Anglo Saxon Chronicles
Google Maps - the core of the system
GeoPlaner - Useful site for plotting map data
Julius Caesar's Gallic Wars 55BC(Books 4 & 5)
Wikipedia - Caesar's invasions of Britain
Wikipedia - Portus Istus
The Geography of Claudius Ptolemy (Bill Thayers)
Runetree Beowulf
Bayeux Tapestry Online
The Secrets of the Norman Invasion
Chronicles of John of Worcester
Battle Historic Society
Binsted village website(Mearcredesburnan Steðe)
The Spears of Andred
Find British Archaelogical Sites
Wealden Iron Research Group
Topographic Map of the UK


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Author: Simon M - Last Updated: 08/11/2024 13:30
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Data is derived from a number or sources including the Ordnance Survey Gazetter data overlayed onto Google Maps