This page shows segments of place names
that can be related to Norman locations. |
| Derivation |
Translation |
 | 's | owns | owns |
 | abbas | abbas | land owned by an abbess |
 | abbess | abbas | land owned by an abbess |
 | abbey | abbey | place where monks live |
 | abbot | abbot | chief cleric |
 | abbots | abbot | chief cleric |
 | abbott | abbot | chief cleric |
 | abbotts | abbot | chief cleric |
 | avenue | avenir | an avenue |
 | barnard | bernarde | Frech noble called bernarde |
 | battle | la bataille | the place of a battle |
 | battles | la bataille | the place of a battle |
 | bay | baie | a bay |
 | beau | beau | good |
 | belle | belle | good |
 | bois | de bosco | norman nobleman |
 | boy | boie | servant, commoner, knave, boy |
 | boys | boie | servant, commoner, knave, boy |
 | brick | briche | a brick |
 | camber | cambre | room or chamber usually describing a harbour or bay |
 | ending in castle | castle | Words ending in castle are usually Norman Castles |
 | cause | cauce | from latin via calciata(paved way) |
 | center | centre | center |
 | chain | chaine | a chain |
 | chase | chacier | land for hunting |
 | close | clos | confined, but usually used in modern time to describe an enclose block of houses |
 | common | common | common land |
 | coney | cuninculus | rabbit |
 | constable | conestable | a norman knight from the battle abbey role 1066AD |
 | corner | corne | a corner, projecting point, horn |
 | court | cort | king's court, princely residence - Old French cort (11c., Modern French cour) |
 | crag | krag | rocky cliff |
 | cripps | krip | Abbot of Robertsbridge Abbey 1332 |
 | dayrell | Darel | a norman knight from the battle abbey role 1066AD |
 | de la | de la | of the |
 | dean | daen | a valley |
 | eagle | aigle | an eagle |
 | fm | ferme | originally a rent or lease, from 17th century the current meaning of farm |
 | folly | folie | folly, madness or stupidity usually applied to a building |
 | forest | forest | an area for royal hunting |
 | gap | gap | an opening in a wall or hedge; a break, a breach related to gapa 'to gape' |
 | glebe | glebe | cultivated land also a piece of land forming part of a clergyman's benefice |
 | grainge | graunge | group of farms, small village, or a granary, barn |
 | grange | graunge | group of farms, small village, or a granary, barn |
 | gravel | gravele | sand, gravel, sea-shore or sandy bed of a river |
 | gros | gros | big, thick, large or tall |
 | heron | hairon | a heron long necked wading bird |
 | hither | hideran | here |
 | hut | hutte | wooden shelter for soldiers |
 | Keynes | Guillaume de Cahaignes | One of The Norman Knights from 1066AD |
 | knight | cniht | military follower of a king or other superior |
 | lawn | lande | heath, moor, barren land; clearing |
 | leonards | leonard | Saint Leonard of Limoges |
 | lodge | logier | to lodge or stay |
 | lord | laverd | master of a household, ruler, feudal lord, superior; husband |
 | lovell | louel | a norman knight from the battle abbey role 1066AD |
 | malfosse | mal fosse | evil ditch |
 | mandeville | geoffroi de mandeville | a norman knight from the battle abbey role 1066AD |
 | manor | maner | maner, Old French manoir - abode, home, dwelling place. |
 | market | market | a title of a location created during the 1300's when Edward I created market towns |
 | monceux | monceau | a norman family name |
 | monk | monk | a cleric |
 | monks | monk | a cleric |
 | mont | mont | mountain or hill |
 | moreton | morteyne | a norman knight from the battle abbey role 1066AD |
 | mowbray | mowbray | a norman knight from the battle abbey role 1066AD |
 | neville | neville | a norman family name |
 | pebs | petit | small |
 | petty | petite | small |
 | place | place | courtyard, open space; broad way, avenue originally from latin platea |
 | plantation | plantation | a plantation |
 | plantn | plantation | a plantation |
 | plat | platte | thin piece of land |
 | platt | platte | thin piece of land |
 | platts | platte | thin piece of land |
 | river | riviere | a river |
 | saffron | safran | saffron from crocus |
 | shrimp | skrimp | slender, edible marine crustacean |
 | square | esquire | square |
 | sta | estacion | short for station - standing place |
 | station | estacion | standing place |
 | sunny | sunny | sunny |
 | upper | upper | higher than |
 | valence | valence | a norman knight from the battle abbey role 1066AD |
 | valley | valles | a valley |
 | view | vue | view |
 | village | vilage | houses and other buildings in a group |
 | vue | vue | view |
 | ward | weard | used for administrative districts from 1300's |
 | warren | varenne | game park, hunting reserve |
 | zouch | souche | norman nobleman |