This page shows segments of place names
that can be related to Saxon locations. |
| Derivation |
Translation |
 | starting in eg | æg | an island |
 | starting in ip | yppe | a raised place, a lookout place |
 | starting in l | el | person |
 | starting in ring | ringe | spiders/spider webs |
 | starting in sino | seonu | round |
 | abraham | abraham | biblical character |
 | abram | abraham | biblical character |
 | aby | a-bygan/á-bycgan | to bend/bought |
 | ac | aac | oak trees |
 | acc | aac | oak trees |
 | acre | æcer | a field, land which is sown, sown land |
 | adur | ædr | vein or artery |
 | ag | haga | A haw, berry of the hawthorn or an enclosure |
 | age | æc | oak |
 | al | el | eel |
 | alcis | alþes | ale - beer |
 | ald | eald | old or ancient or fire |
 | aldr | ealdor/alor | elderman head of the tribe/elder tree |
 | alk | alþes | ale |
 | all | ellen/alr/aler | elder tree |
 | aller | ellen/alr/aler | elder trees |
 | alling | aler ænge | elder tree - troubled village(appear to be fortlets or pallisaded villages) |
 | alr | ellen/alr/aler | elder trees |
 | alt | alet | fire - possibly crematory |
 | am | hamm | Denotes a piece of land surrounded with paling, wicker-work, etc., and so defended against water, which would otherwise wash it away, so a valley settlement or settlement with a jetty. |
 | ending in am | hamm | Denotes a piece of land surrounded with paling, wicker-work, etc., and so defended against water, which would otherwise wash it away, so a valley settlement or settlement with a jetty. |
 | amer | amer | a type of spelt(corn) |
 | amp | þam | well watered or wet area |
 | an | ƿan | Wetlands |
 | ang | ang | narrow |
 | apple | apuldre | apple trees |
 | appled | apuldre | apple trees |
 | ar | ar | oar |
 | ard | arod | arum lily |
 | arl | æl | eel |
 | arun | hærn | tidal |
 | as | æsc | ash trees |
 | ash | æsc | ash trees |
 | ashes | æsc | ash trees |
 | ast | est | east |
 | at | æt | at (near) |
 | athel | aþ el | oath taker(someone who has taken the kings oath) |
 | attle | at-land | place where oats are grown |
 | auck | aac | oak trees |
 | augh | haga | a fenced in place |
 | avon | afon | the river avon |
 | ax | æsc | ash tree |
 | ending in ay | æg | an island |
 | ayl | æl | an eel |
 | ayles | æles | eels |
 | aysh | æsc | ash trees |
 | bac | bæce/bæc | beech tree/brook |
 | back | bæce/bæc | beech tree/brook |
 | bad | baed | bed or bath |
 | bael | bæl | fire, flame probably the fire of a funeral pile a crematorium |
 | bag | baeg | a collar |
 | bake | becc | a beck or brook |
 | bal | bæl | funeral pyre |
 | bald | bæl | fire |
 | bam | bebben | bebba's |
 | ban | ban | bone |
 | bank | banc | a bench, bank, hillock or tumulus tumulus |
 | bar | bær | beer or a place where barley was grown |
 | barc | barc | bark of a tree |
 | Bard | barda | Ship with an iron beak |
 | barm | barm | a bosom |
 | barn | beorn | burn,fire or light |
 | bas | basu | a type of scarlet robe |
 | basing | basing | a short cloak |
 | bast | bæst | the inner bark of a tree, of which ropes were made |
 | bath | bæþ | bath - usually associated with natural warm springs |
 | baw | bær/bar | beer or a place where barley was grown/a boar |
 | be | bi | bees |
 | beach | bæce/bæc | beech tree / brook or modern meaning seafront |
 | beachy | bæce/bæc | beech tree / brook or modern meaning seafront |
 | beacon | beacen | a high point where warnings can be made |
 | bec | bec | a small fast stream |
 | becc | becc | a beck or brook |
 | beck | bec | a small fast stream |
 | bed | baed | bed or bath |
 | bedd | baed | bed or carrier of letters(postman) or bath |
 | bedding | bedding | bedding or straw |
 | beech | baece | beech trees |
 | beer | bær | beer or a place where barley was grown |
 | beest | bæst | rope making - the inner part of the linden or lime-tree was mostly used for making ropes |
 | beet | bete | a root from which sugar is often extracted |
 | bel | bæl | a pyre |
 | bell | bæl | fire, flame probably the fire of a funeral pile a crematorium |
 | benen | binne | a manger - so most likely sheep |
 | ber | bær | beer or a place where barley was grown |
 | berg | beorg | a high place - a hill |
 | berge | beorg | a high place - hill |
 | berk | berc | birch trees |
 | berke | berc | birch trees |
 | berry | beorg/berie | a high place - a hill / berry |
 | bi | bærn | barn |
 | bid | baed | bed or bath |
 | bidden | biddende | praying - a religous center |
 | big | bicgan | to buy possible a market |
 | biggles | bigels | an arch or vault usually relates to a bridge |
 | bil | bæl/bil | a place of funerals/a bill hook |
 | bill | bæl/bil | a place of funerals/a bill hook |
 | bilt | bitl | a mallet |
 | bin | binne | a manger - so most likely sheep |
 | birch | birka/berc/beorc | birch tree |
 | birl | bærlic | barley |
 | birt | beorht | bright |
 | bishop | bisceop | land owned by a bishop |
 | bitt | byt | bottle or flagon |
 | black | blaec | black or black land |
 | blake | blæc | black or black land |
 | bland | blandan | a place where people meet |
 | blank | blanc | grey |
 | blatch | blæc | black or black land |
 | blick | blæc | black or black land |
 | blue | bleo | blue |
 | blyth | bliþ | sweet or pleasant |
 | blythe | bliþ | sweet or pleasant |
 | bodi | bodan | ships keel - probably shipyard |
 | bodle | botl | a hall house or mansion(possibly Roman) |
 | bog | bog/bæg | an arm or shoulder/a collar |
 | bol | bol | a curving shape |
 | bonn | beam | trees |
 | bor | bor | a gimlet, a borer |
 | bore | boren | to be carried - tidal bore |
 | born | burn | a brook or stream |
 | borne | burn | a brook or stream |
 | borough | burgus | a roman signalling tower |
 | bos | bæst | rope making - the inner part of the linden or lime-tree was mostly used for making ropes |
 | bosh | bæst | rope making - the inner part of the linden or lime-tree was mostly used for making ropes |
 | bot | botl | a hall house or mansion(possibly Roman) |
 | bottom | botm | lowest or deepest part of anything |
 | bough | boh | anything curved or bent such as a tree bough |
 | bour | bor | a gimlet, a borer |
 | bourn | burn | a brook or stream |
 | bourne | burn | a brook or stream |
 | bow | boh | a bow |
 | ending in br | bricge | a bridge |
 | bra | bræst | brass |
 | brad | brad | broad |
 | brain | breneþ | burn, burning |
 | bram | bræmel | a bramble |
 | brast | þæst | leaven or ferment |
 | braugh | breaw | brewed |
 | bread | bred | board or plank |
 | brede | bræde | wide |
 | bren | byrnan | burning |
 | brench | breneþ | burning - probably a signal point |
 | brent | brent | river brent |
 | brid | bridd | young birds, presumably a bird colony |
 | bridg | bricge | a bridge |
 | bridge | bricge | a bridge |
 | bright | birihto | bright, wide view |
 | brink | brinig | burning -possibly a signalling place |
 | bris | bræs | brass |
 | broad | bræd | broad or wide |
 | brocken | broccen | a long coat made of badger skins |
 | brom | brom | broom plant |
 | brook | broc | a brook or stream |
 | broom | brom | broom plant |
 | brough | burh/beorg | fortified place, castle - usually associated with old Roman forts - can also be used to mean high place |
 | brow | bru | a brow |
 | brown | brun/baran | colour produced by burning/or to carry |
 | brox | brocc | badgers |
 | buck | buc | a male deer |
 | build | bu-lid | ship people dwelling |
 | bull | bul | male farm animal |
 | bulver | burgh wær | burh/beorg - fortified place, castle - usually associated with old Roman forts / a high place - hill
wær - the sea |
 | bun | bin | manger of crib |
 | bung | þung | a poisonous plant |
 | bunt | brant | high, deep, steep, difficult, |
 | bur | beorg/burgus | a high place - hill/possible roman signalling tower |
 | burg | beorg/burgus | a high place - hill/possible roman signalling tower |
 | burgh | beorg/burgus | a high place - hill/possible roman signalling tower |
 | burn | burn | a brook or stream |
 | burnan | burn | a brook or stream |
 | burrow | burh hleow | the fortress refuge |
 | burrows | burh hleow | the fortress refuge |
 | bury | burh/beorg/berie | fortified place, castle - usually associated with old Roman forts / can also be used to mean high place / berry |
 | byr | byre | a shed or hovel |
 | byre | byre | a shed or hovel |
 | cad | cæd | a boat |
 | caister | cæster | roman fortified town- from latin castrum |
 | caistor | cæster | roman fortified town- from latin castrum |
 | cal | cawel | cabbage |
 | calde | ceald | cold - probably meaning abandoned - usually associated with roman locations |
 | caldi | ceald | cold - probably meaning abandoned - usually associated with roman locations |
 | calne | calan | cold |
 | cam | camb | comb - probably derived from teasels |
 | camp | camp | field |
 | can | þan | wetlands |
 | canter | cantwara | the tribe occupying kent pre saxon |
 | carr | carr | a rock |
 | cart | ceart | a rough common overrun with gorse, broom, bracken |
 | caster | cæster | roman fortified town- from latin castrum |
 | castle | castellum | starting in castle were probably small Roman forts |
 | castor | cæster | roman fortified town- from latin castrum |
 | cat | cattes | cat mint |
 | cater | citere | a harp |
 | cats | cattes | cat mint |
 | caw | cawl | colewort - field cabbage |
 | cawl | cawl | colewort - field cabbage |
 | ceat | sceat | promentory |
 | cester | cæster | roman fortified town |
 | ceter | cæster | roman fortified town |
 | chaf | ceaf | chaff |
 | chaff | ceaf | chaff |
 | chai | cælc/cealf | chalk/calf |
 | chalv | cealf | calf |
 | char | carr | a stone or rock |
 | chart | ceart | a rough common overrun with gorse, broom, bracken |
 | chat | cete | A cabin or cellar |
 | chatter | ceder | cedar trees |
 | cheap | ceap | good price - market |
 | chel | ceosel | Gravel or shingle |
 | chelten | ciltern | the chiltern hills |
 | chep | ceap | good price - market |
 | cher | cer | a turn |
 | ches | cyse | cheese |
 | chesil | ceosel | Gravel or shingle |
 | chester | cæster | roman fortified town |
 | chi | chyae | a crow or jay |
 | chid | cæd | boat |
 | chidd | cæd | boat |
 | chig | cycgel | strong stick, a cudgel |
 | chil | cele/ceorl | cold / a freeman |
 | chilt | cilct | chalk |
 | chilver | cilfor | female lamb |
 | chip | ceap | good price - market |
 | chipp | ceap | good price - market |
 | chipping | ceapen | to trade, market |
 | church | cirice | burial ground |
 | cinder | sinder | dross, metal impurity |
 | ciren | cicen | chicken |
 | clax | claþ | cloth |
 | clay | clæg | clay or possibly pottery |
 | cleve | cleaf | to clove or cut |
 | cley | clæg | clay or possibly pottery |
 | cliff | clif | a cliff or steep decent |
 | cliffe | clif | a cliff or steep decent |
 | cock | cocc/coccel | a male chicken/cockle |
 | cogges | crog | a small bottle - amphora |
 | col | coln | river colne/pebble stones |
 | cold | ceald | cold - usually meaning abandoned roman location |
 | cole | cawl | kale or cabbage |
 | coll | cnoll | a hill top |
 | coln | coln | a pebble or stone |
 | comb | comb | A low place enclosed with hills, a valley |
 | combe | comb | A low place enclosed with hills, a valley |
 | comp | comb | a valley |
 | con | cuna | cows |
 | cood | cæd | a boat |
 | cook | coc/coccel | a cock / cockles |
 | cool | cæol/cæle | a small ship or vessel/a keel |
 | coombe | comb | A low place enclosed with hills, a valley |
 | cor | cor | river cor |
 | corn | corn | corn - wheat |
 | cors | cærse | watercress |
 | cosh | cærse | watercress |
 | cot | cotlyf | a small village |
 | cote | cotlyf | a small village |
 | cott | cotlyf | a small village |
 | cottages | cotlyf | small village |
 | coty | cotlyf | a small village |
 | coven | cofan | convent |
 | cow | ge-cow | something chewed |
 | cox | coc | a cock |
 | cran | cræn | the bird - crane |
 | craw | crawe | the bird - crow |
 | credi | credic | a bowl |
 | cricket | crocca | a pot or pitcher |
 | cro | croh/craw/crog | crocus/a crow/a small bottle - amphora |
 | crock | croc | A crock, pitcher, waterpot or flagon, |
 | crook | crycc | a crook or staff |
 | cross | cruce | a cross(religious) , a crook or water pot, a crossing point |
 | crow | craw/croh/crog | crow(bird)/crocus(saffron)/small pot |
 | cuck | cuc | quick or rapid |
 | cum | cuman | go with |
 | da | doe | female deer |
 | dale | dæl | valley |
 | dalling | daeling | a dividing,a parting - a border or boundary |
 | dane | daen/den-bera | a valley / woodland swine pasture |
 | darenth | daroþ | spear, javelin, weapon |
 | darl | dæl | a dale |
 | dart | daroþ | spear, javelin or weapon |
 | datch | þæc | roof covering(possibly reeds - thatch) |
 | dav | doh | dough - bread making |
 | daven | doh þen | bread maker |
 | deep | deop | a deep place on land or deep water near the sea |
 | deeping | diþing | killing place, possible an abattoir |
 | del | dæl | a deep hollow or valley |
 | dell | dæl | a deep hollow or valley |
 | der | deor | any wild animal but usually deer |
 | dere | deor | deer |
 | des | dærst | ferment |
 | dic | dic | a dyke, a mound or bank |
 | dich | dic | a dyke, a mound or bank |
 | dick | dic | a dyke, a mound or bank |
 | dickle | dic el | the people of the dike |
 | did | dydan | place of killing - abbatoir |
 | dik | dic | a dyke, a mound or bank |
 | dike | dic | trench, ditch; an earthwork with a trench or a moat |
 | dis | dic | a dyke, a mound or bank |
 | diss | þes | place of demons |
 | ditch | dic | a dyke, a mound or bank |
 | dock | dox | dark coloured |
 | dol | dol | steep side valley |
 | dole | dolh | steep sided valley |
 | ending in don | dun | a place near a steep hill/hillfort |
 | dor | dora/dor | a bumble bee/door |
 | dore | dora/dor | a bumble bee/door |
 | dorm | þorn | a thorn |
 | dorn | þorn | a thorn |
 | down | dun/dune | a hill, mountain |
 | dray | dragan | to pull (cart) |
 | drif | dræf | a drove |
 | drove | dræf | a drove |
 | duck | duce | a duck |
 | dun | dun | a mountain or hill |
 | dune | dun | a hill |
 | dunge | dinne | stormy or tempestuous |
 | dur | deor | deer |
 | durr | deor | deer |
 | dyke | dic | trench, ditch; an earthwork with a trench or a moat |
 | dym | demman | dam to stop water |
 | ea | ea | stream |
 | ear | ærn | habitation |
 | earl | eorl | an earl, important person |
 | eas | gos | geese |
 | ease | ease | wild carrot |
 | east | east | east |
 | ebb | ebba/yppe | ebb low tide a receding of water/a raised place, a lookout place |
 | ebbs | ebba/yppe | ebb low tide a receding of water/a raised place, a lookout place |
 | ebony | ebba en æg | people of the ebb and flow/tidal island |
 | eden | eðan | overflowing |
 | edge | ecg | an edge |
 | edmund | edmund | a saint |
 | edmunds | edmund | a saint |
 | eel | æl | an eel |
 | el | el | person |
 | ell | eel | eel |
 | ellen | ellen | elder tree |
 | elm | ellm | elm tree |
 | elms | ellm | elm tree |
 | en | en | word termination usually means 'of' |
 | end | ende | end terminus |
 | engle | engle | the Angles(people) |
 | eorp | eorp/eorþ | Dark, dusky, brown, swarthy/earthy |
 | eorpe | eorp/eorþ | Dark, dusky, brown, swarthy/earthy |
 | epp | yppe | a raised place, a lookout place |
 | eps | ebba/yppe | ebb low tide a receding of water/a raised place, a lookout place |
 | er | ere | a person |
 | eridge | ern hrycg | eagle ridge |
 | ering | ere ænge | people of a troubled village(appear to be fortlets or pallisaded villages) |
 | ern | ærn | a house or cottage |
 | erne | ærn | a house or cottage |
 | es | æs/æst | meat/east |
 | ending in et | æg | an island |
 | etch | weacg | metal |
 | eter | cæster | roman fortified town |
 | ending in eth | hyð | hythe - usually a harbour or port, an important or first one, or starting point |
 | ett | eþ | waves |
 | ew | euwa | a sheep |
 | ewas | ewes | ewes sheep |
 | ewe | euwa | a sheep |
 | ex | æc | oak tree |
 | ey | æg | an island |
 | ending in ey | æg | an island |
 | eye | æg | an island |
 | eype | yppe | a raised place, a lookout place |
 | fair | fær | a ship or vessel |
 | fairwarp | feld-wyrt | herb - field wort |
 | faken | þacian | to thatch |
 | fall | feoh el | the cattle people |
 | fant | fant | holy spring or well |
 | far | fah | coloured |
 | fare | fær | journey or fair or fever |
 | farm | feorm | food, provision, goods, substance |
 | farth | feorða | a quarter or piece |
 | fel | fel | skin, hides or pelts |
 | feld | feld | a field however quite a number were derived from welle a well |
 | felt | felt | a saddle cloth |
 | fen | fenn | a fen |
 | fenny | fennig | marshy muddy or dirty |
 | fern | fearn | a fern |
 | ferr | fer/fer | a journey/ship |
 | field | feld | a field however quite a number were derived from welle a well |
 | fields | feld | a field however quite a number were derived from welle a well |
 | fil | fild | a level field, even, flat land |
 | fin | fioh-en | cattle - male - bulls |
 | finc | finc | finch the bird |
 | firle | firhþ/firl | peaceful/distant place |
 | firth | frið | peaceful |
 | five | fif | five |
 | flam | flan | An arrow, a dart |
 | flan | flan | An arrow, a dart |
 | fleet | fleot | a fast moving body of water,a bay, estuary, river etc - a place where boats float |
 | fleg | flega | fly |
 | flem | flæm | put to flight - possibly a battleground |
 | fleot | fleot | a fast moving body of water,a bay, estuary, river etc - a place where boats float |
 | fletch | flæsc | flesh - possibly deer |
 | flim | flime | fugitives |
 | flint | flint | a hard brittle rock |
 | flot | fleot | a fast moving body of water,a bay, estuary, river etc - a place where boats float |
 | flush | flys | fleece |
 | fms | ferme | originally a rent or lease, from 17th century the current meaning of farm |
 | fo | feoh | cattle |
 | fold | fealdan | pen or enclosure for sheep or other domestic animals |
 | folds | fealdan | pen or enclosure for sheep or other domestic animals |
 | folk | folc/feoh | people or tribe / cattle |
 | folke | folc/feoh | people or tribe / cattle |
 | font | funta | a spring |
 | foot | fot | base of |
 | ford | forda | shallow place where a river can be crossed |
 | forth | forda | shallow place where a river can be crossed |
 | fos | fæs | a fringe/boundary usually associated with a ditch |
 | foss | fæs | a fringe/boundary usually associated with a ditch |
 | foul | feoh el | the cattle people |
 | four | foewer | number four |
 | frad | þræd | thread |
 | fram | fram | firm or stout |
 | fre | for | pig or hog |
 | friez | fæs | fringe or border |
 | fril | þræl | slave, a thrall |
 | fris | fyrs | furze bushes (gorse) |
 | frisk | frisca | bittern |
 | frit | friþ | under protection of the church or king |
 | frith | friþ | under protection of the church or king |
 | fritten | fennig | marshy, muddy |
 | frods | froxas | frogs |
 | frome | fram | firm or stout |
 | front | funta | a spring |
 | ful | ful | foul |
 | full | ful | foul |
 | furz | fyrs | juniper trees |
 | furze | fyrs | juniper trees |
 | gain | þegn | thane - a servant, one who does service for another |
 | gate | gat | an entrance - from gat eye of a needle or a hole - appears related to roman roads, or parks |
 | gay | æg | an island |
 | ged | ced | boats |
 | gen | gan | a walk |
 | george | george | saint george |
 | gid | gid | a song or entertainment |
 | gidd | gid | a song or entertainment |
 | gild | gild | a fraternity - guild |
 | giming | gamian | to game, play, sport |
 | gip | ge-weorp | a heap |
 | gla | glæs | glass |
 | glind | glind | fence of boards or railing |
 | glinde | glind | fence of boards or railing |
 | glott | ge-læte | meeting/ending point |
 | glou | glæw | skilful |
 | glynd | glind | fence of boards or railing |
 | glynde | glind | fence of boards or railing |
 | gnat | gnæt | a gnat |
 | goat | geat | goat |
 | god | god | good |
 | gold | gold/geld | metal/castrate - possibly means horses here |
 | golden | gold/geld | metal/castrate - possibly means horses here |
 | goodwin | geard win | enclosed pasture |
 | goose | gos | a goose |
 | gor | gor | pulp or dirt |
 | gote | geat | goat |
 | goud | gewæd | a ford |
 | graf | graf | a grove of trees |
 | graves | græf | trench/bush or bramble |
 | gray | graeg | colour between black and white |
 | great | great | big, tall, thick, stout, massive; coarse |
 | green | grene | grassy |
 | greta | grytta | coarse meal or grit |
 | grey | graeg | colour between black and white |
 | grin | grin | a snare or trap |
 | groom | brom | broom plant |
 | grove | groue | a grove |
 | guest | gist/gæst | yeast(possibly bread) or guest(visitors) |
 | guild | ge-gild | a guild, society, or club |
 | guist | gist | yeast probably brewing |
 | guld | gild | a fraternity - guild |
 | gulde | gild | a fraternity - guild |
 | gus | gist/gæst | yeast(possibly bread) or guest(visitors) |
 | had | hæsel/hæƿ | hazel trees / heath or wasteland where heather grows |
 | hail | hæg/haga | an enclosure / a haw, berry of the hawthorn |
 | hal | heall | hall |
 | half | healf | a half or part |
 | hall | heall | hall |
 | ham | hamm | Denotes a piece of land surrounded with paling, wicker-work, etc., and so defended against water, which would otherwise wash it away, so a valley settlement or settlement with a jetty. |
 | hammer | hamor | a hammer |
 | hamp | þam | well watered or wet area |
 | hams | hamm | Denotes a piece of land surrounded with paling, wicker-work, etc., and so defended against water, which would otherwise wash it away, so a valley settlement or settlement with a jetty. |
 | han | þan | damp |
 | hand | hand | hand |
 | hank | hæc | a fish catching frame |
 | hap | heop/heap | rose hip/pile or mound |
 | happis | heopes | rose hips |
 | har | here | an army, a host, multitude |
 | harbor | here-beorg | Harbour, shelter, lodgings or quarters |
 | harbour | here-beorg | Harbour, shelter, lodgings or quarters |
 | hard | heard | solid and firm |
 | hare | hara | herb haresfoot |
 | harlow | har hleow | the old refuge |
 | harow | har hleow | the old refuge |
 | harrow | har hleow | the old refuge |
 | hart | heort | a male deer or stag |
 | harts | heort | a male deer or stag |
 | hatch | haecce | a fence of railings or a gate usually to a royal hunting park |
 | havant | haefen | a haven, port |
 | haven | haefen | a haven, port |
 | hawk | hafoc/haga | a hawk / a haw, berry of the hawthorn |
 | hay | heg | hay or dried grass |
 | head | heafod | head or promontary |
 | heath | hæþ | heath or wasteland where heather grows |
 | heche | hecge/hæcce | hedge or lightly wooded/fenced |
 | hedge | hecge | hedge or lightly wooded |
 | heding | hengen | a place of hanging |
 | height | heahþu | high place |
 | hel | hell | the grave - burial place |
 | hell | hell | the grave - burial place |
 | hemel | hamel | rugged |
 | heming | hemming | a type of leather shoe |
 | hemm | haem | top |
 | hemming | hemming | a type of leather shoe |
 | hemp | hemeþe | an undergarment with short sleeves, a shirt |
 | here | haere | foreign troops |
 | herne | ern | eagle |
 | herr | haere | foreign troops |
 | herst | hyrst | A clearing in the Forest, most were settled after Domesday |
 | hert | heort | a male deer or stag |
 | hever | hæfer | a male goat |
 | hex | hecen/ticcen | a kid - small goat |
 | hey | heg | hay or dried grass |
 | heydon | hædern | a store / store room |
 | hick | hæc | hatch, grating, a gate made of latticework |
 | high | hoh | of great height, tall, conspicuously elevated |
 | hil | hyll | a hill |
 | hill | hyll | a hill |
 | hills | hyll | hills |
 | hin | hæn | hen/chicken |
 | hinck | hlinc | a bank forming a boundary |
 | hind | | a female deer |
 | hink | hlinc | a bank forming a boundary |
 | hirst | hyrst | A clearing in the Forest, most were settled after Domesday |
 | hitch | hæc | hatch, grating, a gate made of latticework |
 | hith | hyð | hythe - usually a harbour or port, an important or first one, or starting point |
 | hithe | hyð | hythe - usually a harbour or port, an important or first one, or starting point |
 | ho | hus | short for house - dwelling, shelter, house - from Proto-Germanic *husan |
 | hoath | hæþ | heath or wasteland where heather grows |
 | hock | hock | mallow |
 | hoe | hoh | a headland or promontory originally heel |
 | hol | hol | A hole, hollow, cavern or den |
 | hole | hol/hal | a hole, cavern or hollow |
 | holk | holc | a hollow or a cavity |
 | holl | holl/hoh | cavern/a headland or promontory originally heel |
 | holme | holmr | small island |
 | holt | holt | a wood or copse |
 | holtye | holt æ | a stream in a wood |
 | holy | halag | holy, consecrated, sacred, godly |
 | home | hamm | Denotes a piece of land surrounded with paling, wicker-work, etc., and so defended against water, which would otherwise wash it away, so a valley settlement or settlement with a jetty. |
 | honi | haen | a hen - chicken |
 | hoo | hoh | a headland or promontory originally heel |
 | hooe | hoh | a headland or promontory originally heel |
 | hook | hoc | mallow plant |
 | hope | hofa | the court of a prince or justice |
 | hor | hoar/heort | frosty/ a hart - stag |
 | horn | horn | a horn-shaped projection |
 | horne | þorn | a thorn |
 | hors | heors | horse |
 | horse | heors | horse |
 | hoth | hæþ | heath or wasteland where heather grows |
 | hough | hoh | a headland or promontory originally heel |
 | house | hus | dwelling, shelter, house - from Proto-Germanic *husan |
 | hov | hofe | violas |
 | hove | hofe | viola |
 | hun | hæn | hen/chicken |
 | hunger | hanga | a slope |
 | hunt | hunt | hunting |
 | hunting | hunting | hunting |
 | hurst | hyrst | A clearing in the Forest, most were settled after Domesday |
 | hythe | hyð | hythe - usually a harbour or port, an important or first one, or starting point |
 | i | iw | yew |
 | iam | æg hamm | an island - a piece of land surrounded with paling, wicker-work, etc., and so defended against water, which would otherwise wash it away, so a valley settlement or settlement with a jetty. |
 | ic | æc | oak |
 | ickle | Hæcce el | The people who fish using fishframes |
 | ickles | Hæcce el s | The many people who fish using fishframes |
 | idge | hrycg | ridge - originally a back of an animal |
 | ight | ehta/hwit | eight(no idea what this would mean though)/white |
 | iham | æg hamm | an island - a piece of land surrounded with paling, wicker-work, etc., and so defended against water, which would otherwise wash it away, so a valley settlement or settlement with a jetty. |
 | il | ildu | old |
 | in | en | the people of |
 | ing | ænge | troubled village(appear to be fortlets or pallisaded villages) |
 | ing's | ænge | ænge troubled village(appear to be fortlets or pallisaded villages) |
 | ings | ænge | troubled village(appear to be fortlets or pallisaded villages) |
 | inner | innera | inner interior not used till 1400's |
 | ip | yppe | a raised place, a lookout place |
 | ir | ir | axe shaped ridge |
 | iren | iren | iron implements |
 | ending in is | æg | an island |
 | isen | isen | iron working |
 | island | æg | an island |
 | isle | æg | an island |
 | itch | yce | frog |
 | ending in ith | hyð | hythe - usually a harbour or port, an important or first one, or starting point |
 | ivy | ifig | ivy |
 | jev | geofon | the sea |
 | kane | cyne | king or royal |
 | kates | cattes | cat mint |
 | kell | cæol /cæle | a small ship or vessel/a keel |
 | kemp | cempa | soldier, warrior or champion |
 | ken | cen | torch |
 | kenn | cen | torch |
 | kid | cæd | a boat |
 | kiln | cylen | a kiln |
 | king | cyng | the king's |
 | kings | cyng | the king's |
 | kipp | cyp | chip, beam, log, trunk of a tree |
 | kirt | cyrtel | vest, garment, frock or coat |
 | kitch | cicen | chicken |
 | kneb | cnæp | top of a hill/a button |
 | knee | cneo | a knee or a bend |
 | knell | cnyll | Tolling of Bell, or Clang of metal |
 | knoll | cnoll | hill top |
 | knut | cnut | King Canute |
 | lac | lacu | a lake, pool or stream |
 | lade | lædan | to make, produce |
 | lady | hlæfdige | a lady |
 | lake | lacu | a lake or pond |
 | lam | lam | mud or clay |
 | lamb | lamb | a lamb |
 | lamber | lamb | a lamb |
 | lan | lang | tall or high |
 | lanc | wlæc | splendid, rich, arrogant |
 | land | land | ground, earth or field |
 | lands | land | ground, earth or field |
 | lane | lanu | narrow hedged-in road |
 | lang | læng | long |
 | lank | læng | long |
 | lark | lawerce | a lark - bird |
 | laugh | hlæw | a low rounded hill |
 | law | hælw | a low rounded hill |
 | lay | leah | A lea, meadow, open space, untilled land |
 | le | leah | A lea, meadow, open space, untilled land |
 | lea | leah | A lea, meadow, open space, untilled land |
 | leam | læmen | clay - earthenware |
 | leap | hleap | to leap |
 | leath | læð | land |
 | lech | leac | a leek |
 | lee | leah | A lea, meadow, open space, untilled land |
 | leek | leac | leek |
 | leem | lim | lime |
 | lees | lǽs | a pasture |
 | leigh | leah | A lea, meadow, open space, untilled land |
 | leo | leah | a lea, meadow, open space, untilled land |
 | les | læca | leech |
 | letch | læce | leech |
 | level | lifer | a level surface |
 | lew | hlæw | a low rounded hill |
 | lewes | hloew eas | shelter, protection, covering, refuge by the river |
 | ley | el æg/leah | person's island if near the sea / open space, untilled land |
 | lich | lic | dead bodies(funeral place) |
 | lid | hlaed | a pile or mound or agger |
 | lide | hlaed | a pile or mound or agger |
 | light | lihtan | to shine - give light |
 | lill | læl | a pliant twig, withe |
 | lim | læmen | made of clay, earthen |
 | lime | læmen | made of clay, earthen |
 | limen | læmen | river full of silt(clay) |
 | limps | læmen | clayey or earthen |
 | lin | lin/lind | flax/lime tree |
 | lind | glind/lynd | fence of boards or railing/grease |
 | ling | el ænge | people of a troubled village(appear to be fortlets or pallisaded villages) |
 | link | hlinc | rising ground |
 | lip | hlip/hliþ | a place to jump over / a hillside |
 | lis | lǽs | a pasture |
 | lit | lit | a small boat |
 | little | lytel | little, small |
 | liver | liþ | limb shaped |
 | lock | loc | an enclosure or fold |
 | long | lange | long |
 | lop | loppe | flea, spider or silk worm |
 | lough | loh | an inlet or large lake |
 | low | hleow | A shelter, protection, covering, refuge |
 | lower | lower | lower than |
 | lul | læl | flexible twigs, switches or withe |
 | lull | læl | flexible twigs, switches or withe |
 | lut | lad | a watercourse |
 | lutt | hlutre | bright |
 | ly | æg/leah | an island near the sea / woodland clearing if inland |
 | lydd | hlaed/lid | a pile or mound or agger or a ship |
 | lym | lim | lime, cement or glue |
 | lyme | læmen | made of clay, earthen |
 | lympne | hlimme æg | a torrent(very fast water) island |
 | lynd | glind/lynd | fence of boards or railing/grease |
 | lyne | lin | flax |
 | lynn | lean | a gift/reward |
 | maid | mæd | a meadow |
 | mains | mægen | military force |
 | mal | melu | flour |
 | mallet | mælmete | food |
 | man | mann | man |
 | mans | mann | man |
 | mar | maera/mære | boundaries/sea or lake (large body of water) |
 | mark | maerc | a boundary |
 | marl | marl/mærel | a type of limestone/A rope for mooring a ship |
 | marsh | mersc | a fen, bog or marsh |
 | mary | mary | saint mary |
 | mat | mæþ/ma | mowing / pickaxe |
 | may | mæþ/mæge | mowing - hay/kinswoman |
 | may's | mese or mece | a Table / Swords(meaning defended) |
 | mays | mese/mece | a Table / Swords(meaning defended) |
 | mead | mæd | a meadow |
 | meadow | medu | mead, a drink made from honey |
 | mel | melu | meal, flour |
 | melk | melc | milk |
 | mell | mela | meal or flour |
 | meon | meo-en | the shoe people |
 | mer | mære | sea or lake (large body of water) |
 | mere | mære | sea or lake (large body of water) |
 | mering | maere ænge | troubled village(appear to be fortlets or pallisaded villages) near the sea |
 | mes | mes | dung |
 | meth | mearþ | a marten(weasel) |
 | mid | middan | central middle |
 | middle | middel | the middle - between |
 | mil | mil | millet |
 | mill | miln | a mill to grind grain |
 | min | min | small |
 | minster | minster | large church or monastry |
 | mol | mæl | speech - place for speaking |
 | mon | mon | man |
 | mond | mund | a mound |
 | moor | mor | wet boggy land |
 | moot | mot | meeting point or court |
 | mor | mor | a moor, waste and damp land |
 | more | mere | the sea - possibly an inlet |
 | moss | mos | a mossy place |
 | mound | mund | protected |
 | mount | munt | a mountain or mound |
 | mouth | muða | mouth of a river |
 | mow | mæw | sea gull |
 | ms | mesan | eating |
 | mump | munt | a mountain or mound |
 | mund | mund | protected |
 | mylke | mylc | milc |
 | nash | næsc | fawn skin |
 | naze | næsse | promentory, headland or cape |
 | ne | niew | new |
 | need | nædl | needle |
 | neot | neat | ox or cow |
 | ner | ner | A refuge |
 | nere | ner | a refuge |
 | nes | næsse | promentory, headland or cape |
 | ness | næsse | promentory, headland or cape |
 | nether | næddre | adder snake |
 | new | niwe | new |
 | newen | neowan | recent |
 | next | neah | nearby |
 | ney | en æg | en - people of and æg - an island |
 | nin | ge-nimen | land taken |
 | ninfield | nerewelle | refuge well - originates from Domesday spelling |
 | nor | norþ | north |
 | nord | norð | north |
 | north | norþ | north |
 | nour | norþ | north |
 | nut | hnutu | nut |
 | oak | aac | oak tree |
 | ock | aac | oak tree |
 | oe | ewe | sheep |
 | of | of | belonging |
 | off | ofen | an oven or furnace usually used for processing raw materials |
 | oke | aac | oak tree |
 | old | eald | old or ancient |
 | om | hjem | home - A village or location originally found in valleys with sea access hence Home for the Saxons - in later years this derivation changed to mean near water. |
 | ending in on | tƿrn | a high place. Usually a village or a location originally settled on hills. |
 | ond | ond | and |
 | ending in op | hofa | the court of a prince or justice |
 | ore | ore/ora | a mineral in raw state/a shore |
 | orle | orildu/horh | very old / clammy air - foggy |
 | otter | otor | an otter |
 | ottery | otor | an otter |
 | ouse | use | the river ouse possibly derived from osle - blackbirds |
 | outer | utera | outer outmost not used till 1400's |
 | over | ofer | an edge, border, margin |
 | overy | ofer-yð | excessive waves or waves of a tempestuous sea |
 | owsle | osle | blackbird |
 | ox | oxan | oxen |
 | oxn | oxan | oxen |
 | oxney | oxan æg | ox island |
 | paddock | pearroc | an enclosure |
 | pas | pise / paþ | pea / path |
 | peas | pise | pea |
 | pease | pise | pea |
 | peck | pic | pitch |
 | peel | paell | cloak or purple dye |
 | pem | pæƿ | a path |
 | pening | pening | coin production |
 | pens | penne | enclosure, pen, fold |
 | peper | piþa | pith (used for lighting) |
 | pepper | paper/hreod-pipere | papyrus(reed like) plants/reed pipes(flutes) |
 | pet | pæþ | path |
 | peter | petersilige | herb parsley/st peter |
 | pether | pæþþan | a path |
 | pett | pit | a pit |
 | pevens | fæsten naess | fortress promentory |
 | pew | euwa | a sheep |
 | pick | picen | pitchy of pitch |
 | pidd | piþa | a marrow |
 | pier | pere | pear |
 | pilt | pæll | purple dye |
 | pin | penn | a pinnacle; a promontory, cape; battlement - steep ground |
 | pip | pipe | channel of a small stream |
 | pipp | pipe | channel of a small stream |
 | pis | pæð/pi | path/pea |
 | pit | pytt | a pit or hole in the ground |
 | pitch | pic | pitch - resin |
 | plax | fleax | flax |
 | play | fla | An arrow ⬩ a dart ⬩ javelin |
 | poke | pohha | a pouch or bag |
 | pole | pol | a pool |
 | pool | pol | a pool |
 | poole | pol | a pool |
 | popping | popig | poppy |
 | post | post | post or pedestal |
 | pott | pott | pot |
 | potter | pott-ere | a potter |
 | poul | pull | a pool |
 | poyn | pynca | a point |
 | prince | preon | broach or clasp |
 | puck | pucca | mischevious spirit (puck) |
 | pul | pull | a pool |
 | pull | pull | a pool |
 | pur | pur | a bittern |
 | pury | burh/beorg/berie | fortified place, castle - usually associated with old Roman forts / can also be used to mean high place / berry |
 | pye | pyf | windy |
 | quarn | cwæn | a queen |
 | r | ere | person |
 | ra | ra | roebuck - deer |
 | rack | racca | A cord, which forms part of the rigging of a ship |
 | rad | rad | a harness |
 | ral | heal | a corner |
 | ram | rom | a ram - sheep |
 | rand | rand | a brink, edge, margin, shore |
 | ratt | ræt | rat |
 | reac | ræce | a rake |
 | read | ræd | red or ruddy |
 | reep | ræp | A place that the church controls |
 | reps | ræp | A place that the church controls |
 | ret | ræt | a rat |
 | rhee | ea | watercourse |
 | rich | rice | powerful ruler |
 | rick | rics | the reed |
 | rid | þræd | oxen |
 | ridge | hrycg | ridge - originally a back of an animal |
 | rinc | nering | a defended village |
 | ring | nering | a defended village |
 | rings | nering | old defended celtic ring fort |
 | rip | rip | harvesting - farming |
 | ripe | rip | harvest - crop growing |
 | ris | ræs | a whirlpool or rapid tide |
 | rise | risan | rise, go up |
 | rith | rið | a small stream |
 | road | rad | road/carriageway a place where you ride |
 | roberts | roðer | sailor or rower probably means sea inlet or deep river |
 | rod | hroða | hides - tanning possibly |
 | rolven | rowan | rowan tree |
 | rom | rom | a ram - sheep |
 | ron | renge | spiders or spiders web |
 | rose | rose | rose |
 | rother | roðer | sailor or rower probably means sea inlet or deep river |
 | rott | hrot | scum/foam possibly from sea |
 | roug | ræge | a wild she goat |
 | row | ræw | edge or border |
 | ruck | hroc | the bird - rook |
 | rug | ruh | uncultivated |
 | run | run | a whisper , light noise |
 | rush | rusce | a rush plant |
 | rust | roest | rust probably from the colour of the water |
 | s | s | of as in 's(belongs to) or multiple |
 | sad | sada | cord, halter or snare |
 | sale | sealh | willow tree |
 | salis | salig | willow tree |
 | sall | sal | a rope, cord, line or rein |
 | salt | sealt | derived from sult which is modern salt, so a place where salt is extracted |
 | sand | sand | sand |
 | sare | sear | withered, barren |
 | sarre | sæ-rof | strong in rowing |
 | sax | seaxe/sæx | axe used by the saxons |
 | saxon | seax-en | the people of the seaxe |
 | scar | carr | a rock |
 | scarp | scearpe | sharp point usually a ridge or mountain |
 | scull | scyl | shell or nut |
 | se | sæ | the sea |
 | sea | æg | an island |
 | seal | sealh | willow tree |
 | sed | sæd/sadal | seed/ass donkey |
 | sel | sel | if near a river - a willow tree
otherwise a hall |
 | sell | sel | if near a river - a willow tree
otherwise a hall |
 | selme | sealma | a couch - possibly an overnight stop |
 | sen | isen | iron |
 | senlac | isen/æsen lacu | iron/ashen pond or lake |
 | sett | sete | place |
 | sev | scep | a sheep |
 | seven | seofon | seven |
 | sex | seaxe/sæx | axe used by the saxons |
 | sey | æg | an island |
 | shaftes | sceaft | spear |
 | sham | hamm | Denotes a piece of land surrounded with paling, wicker-work, etc., and so defended against water, which would otherwise wash it away, so a valley settlement or settlement with a jetty. |
 | shear | sceare | to shear - sheep land |
 | sheep | scæp | sheep |
 | sheer | sc¡re | Light or Clear |
 | shef | sheaf | the river sheaf |
 | shep | scæp | sheep |
 | sher | sceare | to shear - usually sheep |
 | shering | sceran | to cut or shear |
 | shern | sceren | to shear - sheep land |
 | shield | scyld/sceald | a shield |
 | ship | scæp | sheep |
 | shipd | scæp | sheep |
 | shire | scir | office, charge, business, administration, government - administrative area |
 | shore | ora | a shore, haven or port |
 | shot | sprot | a course kind of rush |
 | shrew | screb | cormorant |
 | sib | sæ-bat | sea boat |
 | sid | sid | river sid |
 | side | side | on the side |
 | slade | slæd | low, flat, marshy ground, with a broad bottom |
 | slug | sloges | a muddy wet place - slough |
 | small | smæl | small/little |
 | smeeth | sméðe | smooth - flat land |
 | snail | snægel | a snail |
 | snar | snearu | a snare or noose - a twisted rope |
 | snave | snæþ | a piece of land within defined limits, but without enclosures |
 | sod | sæd | seed |
 | sol | sulh | plough |
 | somer | sumer | summer or harvest |
 | sompt | sealt | derived from sult which is modern salt, so a place where salt is extracted |
 | song | song/sond | a song /sand |
 | sound | sund | sea, body of water |
 | south | suþ | south |
 | souther | suþ | southerly |
 | spald | speld | a thin wooden torch |
 | speld | speld | a thin wooden torch |
 | spit | spitu | a roasting spit / spit(point) of land |
 | spring | spring | a well or spring |
 | stad | stæde | a place or pasture |
 | stade | stæþ | a bank or shore |
 | staine | stan | stone - probably a roman road, milestone or builders stone |
 | staines | stan | stone - probably a roman road, milestone or builders stone |
 | staith | stæþ | a bank or shore |
 | staithe | stæþ | a bank or shore |
 | stam | stan | stone - probably a roman road, milestone or builders stone |
 | stan | stan | stone - probably a roman road, milestone or builders stone |
 | stane | stan | stone - probably a roman road, milestone or builders stone |
 | staple | stapol | a post, pillar or column - possibly roman milepost |
 | stathe | stæþ | a bank or shore |
 | stav | steaf | staff or staves |
 | stead | stæde | a place or pasture |
 | stebb | steða/stybb | stables/stubble |
 | sted | stæde | a place or pasture |
 | stephen | stephen | saint stephen |
 | steven | stiþe | nettle |
 | steyn | stan | stone - probably a roman road, milestone or builders stone |
 | stibb | styb | tree stumps |
 | stick | stic | peg or spoon shape |
 | stiff | stif | unbending, rigid |
 | stock | stoc | a place, probably a farm or stockade |
 | stocks | stoc | a place, probably a farm or stockade |
 | stoke | stoccen | made of wood possibly a stockade |
 | ston | stan | stone - probably a roman road, milestone or builders stone |
 | stone | stan | stone - probably a roman road, milestone or builders stone |
 | stoney | stan | stone - probably a roman road, milestone or builders stone |
 | stort | steort | a promontory, tongue of land |
 | stour | stour | river stour |
 | stow | stow | a place possibly holy |
 | stowe | stow | a place possibly holy |
 | strand | strand | shore or side |
 | straw | streaw | straw, dried grass |
 | stream | stroom | a stream |
 | stunt | stenc | stench |
 | stut | stut | gnats and midges |
 | sty | stig | a wooden enclosure |
 | sud | suþ | south |
 | sul | suluh/sulh | a plough |
 | sull | suluh/sulh | a plough |
 | sund | sund/sand | sound - noisy / sand possibly Viking meaning a strait |
 | sunn | sunn | the sun(sunny) |
 | sut | suþ | south |
 | suther | suþ | southern |
 | swaff | swæþe | clothing |
 | swan | swan | a swan |
 | swin | swyn | pig |
 | swine | swyn | pig |
 | sycamore | sicomorus | a sycamore |
 | tad | tadige | toad |
 | take | þæc | roof covering(possibly reeds - thatch) |
 | tang | tang | a tong |
 | tar | teoru | tar, bitumen, resin, gum |
 | tarr | teoru | tar, bitumen, resin, gum |
 | taw | tawa | part of a cart |
 | tay | twy | a twig or shoot |
 | tean | teon | place of construction |
 | ted | stæde | a place or pasture |
 | tel | teala | farmer |
 | temple | tempel | a temple/church |
 | tend | tynder | tinder for fire lighting |
 | tenter | tender | tinder for fire lighting |
 | tet | tæpped | wall or floor covering - carpet |
 | tey | twy | a twig or shoot |
 | thames | temes | river thames |
 | than | þegn | thane - a servant, one who does service for another |
 | thatch | þæc | roof covering(possibly reeds - thatch) |
 | thax | taxe | a toad |
 | the | þæt | that |
 | thet | þeod | a body of warriors, attached by personal service to the king |
 | they | þæc | roof covering(possibly reeds - thatch) |
 | thirsk | þirsce | threshing place |
 | thorn | þorn | a thorn |
 | thorne | þorn | a thorn |
 | thorney | þorn æg | thorn island |
 | thorp | ƿorp | a crowd - a village |
 | thorpe | ƿorp | a crowd - a village |
 | thurl | ceorl | a freeman |
 | tice | ticcen/hecen | a kid - small goat |
 | tide | tyd | time - meaning regular |
 | til | tilia | farmer |
 | till | tilea | farmer |
 | tip | tæppa | ribbon, tape etc |
 | titch | ticen | a small goat - kid |
 | tod | tude | a shield |
 | todd | tude | a shield |
 | tol | tol | a manufacturing place |
 | toll | cnoll | a hill top or raised area |
 | ton | tun | a settlement on a hill |
 | ending in ton | tun | a settlement on a hill |
 | toot | yppe | a raised place, a lookout place |
 | tor | torr | a turret or tower |
 | tott | to | a projection - possibly like a hoo but inland |
 | tow | tow-lic | weaving |
 | tree | treow | a tree |
 | triming | trymming | protection |
 | tring | þring | a crowd, crowded |
 | trout | truht | a trout |
 | try | treow | a tree |
 | tud | tude | a shield |
 | tude | tude | a shield |
 | tun | tun | a mountain or hill
a number of tuns are next to old celtic hillforts |
 | tup | tæppa | ribbon, tape etc |
 | twy | twy | a twig |
 | tyne | tyne | river tyne |
 | uck | aac | oak trees |
 | udi | uddyr | udder of a beast |
 | ult | uloh | wool |
 | under | under | beneath or below |
 | up | yppe | a raised place, a lookout place |
 | urst | hyrst | A clearing in the Forest, most were settled after Domesday |
 | vant | fant | spring or fountain |
 | ver | fer | a vessel or ship |
 | vine | win | a vine - originally latin vinum |
 | wad | waad | woad - blue dye |
 | wade | wæd | a ford |
 | waker | wæccer | watchful |
 | wal | wæl / wul | a deep pool, gulf or deep water / wool |
 | wald | weald | forested uplands |
 | walk | wealcan | to roll, walk |
 | wall | weall | steep ,wall, lofty, high place |
 | walla | weall | steep ,wall, lofty, high place |
 | walt | walch | a harrow - farm |
 | wan | win | pasture |
 | wang | wang | field, plain, land, country, place |
 | wann | wæn | waggon |
 | war | wer | a wier |
 | warble | wen-byl | a boil/warble, probably from the gadfly larvae in cattle |
 | wardine | weort/worð | wort, herb/land |
 | ware | wær | the sea |
 | warm | wearm | warm |
 | warning | warenung | guarding |
 | warp | weort/worð | wort, herb/land |
 | wart | waeta | wetland or marsh |
 | was | wæsce | a place that floods |
 | wash | æsc/wæsce | ash tree if inland/a place that floods |
 | wat | hwaet/watel | wheat/wattle |
 | water | wæter | water |
 | way | weg | a means of access - track or road |
 | weald | wald | forested uplands |
 | wee | wig | idol or shrine |
 | weet | wæt | wet or moist |
 | wel | wille | A well, spring, fountain |
 | well | wille | A well, spring, fountain |
 | wells | wille | A well, spring, fountain |
 | weo | wig | idol or shrine |
 | wep | weþer | ram |
 | wes | wæst | west |
 | west | wæst | west |
 | wester | wæst | west |
 | wet | wæt | wet or moist |
 | wey | wey | river wey |
 | whal | wæl | deep water or of the sea |
 | wharf | hwearf | A wharf, bank, shore |
 | what | hwaet/watel | wheat/wattle |
 | whin | win / wein | a pasture / wine |
 | whit | wæt | wet, damp, moist |
 | white | hwit | white |
 | whittle | watel | wattle(woven twigs) |
 | wich | vicus | small provincial roman town |
 | wick | vicus | small provincial roman town |
 | wig | wig | idol or shrine |
 | wigh | wæt | wet, moist, damp |
 | wil | wig | idol or shrine |
 | wild | weald | a forest or wood |
 | will | wig | idol or shrine |
 | wilm | wylm | steam or vapour - misty or foggy |
 | wilt | wealte/wælt | a ring or snare/thigh or sinew |
 | wim | wylm | steam or vapour - misty |
 | wimble | wibba | worm or beetle |
 | win | win / wein | a pasture / wine |
 | winch | win | pasture |
 | winchel | þweng chesil | thong(long thin) shingle bank |
 | wind | wind | the wind, a windy place |
 | windle | windel | a basket |
 | wine | wine | a friend |
 | wing | wean/wingeard | possibly a spring/or a vineyard |
 | wink | wince | winch |
 | wir | wir | myrtle tree |
 | wit | wæt | wet, damp, moist |
 | with | wiðie | a withy - willow band |
 | wither | wiððe | wither a bundle of willow twigs |
 | withy | wiðie | a withy - willow band |
 | witter | wæter | water |
 | wive | webba | spiders |
 | wivels | wæfels | cloak, wrap or covering |
 | wix | vicus | small provincial roman town |
 | wok | wicca | a witch |
 | woking | wocig | snare, noose |
 | wol | wul | wool |
 | wold | wald | forested uplands |
 | wood | wudu | wudu, earlier widu tree, trees collectively, forest, grove. |
 | wool | wul | wool |
 | woot | wæt | wet, damp, moist |
 | worth | weort/worð | wort, herb/land |
 | worthy | weort/worð | wort, herb/land |
 | wot | wæt | wet, damp, moist |
 | wrot | wrot | snout probably meaning pigs |
 | wrox | hroc | rook, raven or jackdaw |
 | wy | wig | idol or shrine |
 | wymond | wyl mund | The well - of a man of power and strength |
 | wyn | win | wine |
 | ending in y | æg/leah | derived from æg/leah ‑ an island near the sea / woodland clearing if inland (Saxon) |
 | yald | gældan | to pay |
 | yarmouth | ear-múþa | the river Yare, múþa the mouth |
 | yates | æte | oats |
 | ye | æg | an island |
 | yeo | yeo | the yeo/ivel river from north dorset |
 | yeovil | gæfel | implement fork |
 | yew | iw | yew tree |
 | yne | ynne | onion |
 | yng | ænge | troubled village(appear to be fortlets or pallisaded villages) |
 | yp | yppe | a raised place, a lookout place |
 | yppe | yppe | a raised place, a lookout place |
 | zeal | sæl | a hall |
 | zeals | sæl | owned by a hall |
 | zett | sete | place or seat(location) |
 | zoy | æg | an island |
 | zoyland | æg | an island |