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Battle of Hastings 1066AD ‑ The Coastline and Landscape
The Coastline and Landscape

I will try to explain the landscape of 1066AD from other research I have done, you may disagree with my conclusions, but please read and see if I can convince you.

This map is the end result of my current investigations into the landscape in 1066AD.

A quick overview, it would seem that the sea/high tide level was about 4.5 metres higher than the current level, this is shown on the map in dark blue.

Please click on the following link to understand my logic for the sea/high tide levels being higher than today, by using the Saxon island name snippet aeg. Landscape - Was the sea level in Saxon times at Pevensey 4 to 5 metres higher ? and also Landscape - High Tide changes in the last 2000 years.

There was also the Forest of Andredsweald which appears to be identifiable using the location name snippet of hurst and the Domesday locations which can be seen on The Great Forest of Andredsweald - Anglo Saxon Chronicles.

The green areas in the sea are representations of the amount of land that has eroded since 1066AD, and the orange area shows the shingle banks, with the yellow areas showing the islands of Old Winchelsea and Broomhill. Landscape - The Cliffs of East Sussex and Erosion 450-2024AD

The changes in the Romney Marsh are implied with salt marsh shown in pale blue, if you wish to see more details please click the following link Landscape - The History of the Romney Marsh in maps(Pre-Roman to Modern times).

The forts shown are the Old Roman Fort of Anderida at Pevensey, and our understanding of the Saxon Burh at Hastings Alfred the Great's fort in Hastings where was it ??.

And finally the old Roman Roads(Ivan D Margary) are shown in red, and the old Celtic Ridgeways(Ivan D Margary) are shown in Maroon All Margary Roads.

Other Potential Factors

Senlac hill is mentioned in only one of the Chronicles from the time, the 'Gesta Normannorum Ducum' written by Orderic Vitalis and does 'Senlac' really mean 'Blood Lake' or 'Sand Lake' is there another explanation.
Battle of Hastings 1066AD - Senlac Hill where is it? and what might Senlac mean?

Hecheland again only mentioned in one of the Chronicles, this time the 'Chronicles of Battle Abbey', the single line of text could be interpreted as being the Battlefield, or prior to the Battle in 1066.
Battle of Hastings 1066AD - Hecheland where is it and what does it mean

The Hoar Apple tree again only mentioned in one of the six copies of the Anglo Saxon Chronicles as the Saxon mustering point before the battle, but was it Appledore ?
Battle of Hastings 1066AD - The Hoar Apple tree

The Saxon Shield Wall this is a much acclaimed defensive Saxon formation, but was this really true or is this just a figment of a Victorian scholars imagination.
Battle of Hastings 1066AD - Saxon Shield Wall - did it really exist?

The Malfosse named by the monks at Battle Abbey, but if it were just a story made up by the monks how is it that at least four other chronicles mention a fosse ?
Battle of Hastings 1066AD - Evidence for the Malfosse

Yes the Normans sailed across the Channel, but can we identify their route, and is their route effected by the landscape, I would like to think so.
Battle of Hastings 1066AD - The Norman route across the Channel

Williams Ship List does this list represent the size of the Norman Fleet ?
The Ship list of William the Conqueror

Romney why did William destroy the town after the 'Battle of Hastings' ?
New Romney and 1066AD

The Hastings area is very isolated, and would have only been accessible via ships along the coast or via the old Roman Roads and Celtic Ridgeways through the Forest of Andredsweald.

It seems a strange place to invade unless something else was important in the area, please click the following link for my thoughts.
Battle of Hastings 1066AD - Why the Hastings Area was important to Duke William

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Author Simon M - Last updated - 2024-09-28 05:54:45
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