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The UK Saxon resource

On this site we intend to provide all information relating the Saxon invasion in the 5th century, this will also by default include a significant Roman contribution.

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Land Changes effecting Anglo Saxon settlements   Influences on Anglo Saxon settlements
Index to all our Pages   Click here for a full index to our pages
The First Roman Invasion of Britain  55BC ‑ 54BC The First Roman Invasion of Britain by Julius Caesar
The Second Roman Invasion of Britain in AD43  43AD ‑ 43AD The Second Roman Invasion of Britain by Emperor Claudius in AD43
Ptolemy ‑ Geographia  127AD ‑ 168AD Ptolemy Geographia one of the first maps of Europe and Asia
Village/Town Names(Celtic derivation)   Villages/Towns and their Celtic derivations
Village/Town Names(Jutish derivation)   Villages/Towns and their Jutish derivations
Village/Town Names(Modern derivation)   Villages/Towns and their Modern derivations
Village/Town Names(Norman derivation)   Villages/Towns and their Norman derivations
Village/Town Names(Roman derivation)   Villages/Towns and their Roman derivations
Village/Town Names(Saxon derivation)   Villages/Towns and their Saxon derivations
Village/Town Names(Viking derivation)   Villages/Towns and their Viking derivations
English Place‑Names   Please input your town/village and we will try to describe the origin of its name
Phases of the Battle of Hastings 1066AD   A number of pages showing Documentary evidence of the Battle of Hastings 1066AD
Phases of the Battle of Hastings 1066AD   A number of pages describing the Battle of Hastings 1066AD
If you wish to Contact   Contact Me
Ivan D Margary routes.   Margary Routes
Ivan D Margary routes.   Margary Routes
Online village name translator service   How to use the SaxonHistory Online village name translator webservice

Last 19 updated pages
UpdatedPage Details and link
2025-02-11  1066AD Landscape Details
2025-02-10  History of the Romney Marsh
2025-02-10  Andredsweald and Anderida
2025-02-10  Norman/Viking Ships and stuff
2025-01-28  1066AD Sailing from Normandy
2025-01-07  The Hoar Apple Tree
2025-01-07  1066AD 21 The Malfosse
2024-12-21  Decline in Roman Wealden Ironworking
2024-12-06  The Cinque Ports
2024-11-08  Translate my Location
2024-11-01  Tourist Guides for the area
2024-10-23  914AD Burghal Hideage
2024-10-16  List of Saxon Chronicles Documents
2024-10-15  The Battle of Jengland 851AD
2024-10-11  Roman roads in Britannia
2024-10-09  List of Landscape Documents
2024-09-27  William's Ship List
2024-09-21  1066AD Manors All
2024-08-31  Senlac Hill

Copyright 2013 - 2025
Contact Simon
Author Simon M - Last updated - 26/02/2024 18:03
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Local Interest
Just click an image
Hastings Rock the place to listen to
Battle Museum of Local History
(Hard to find but worth the Visit)
Hastings Area Archaeological Research Group
Winchelsea Museum
Battle and District Historical Society
Rye Museum
Bexhill Museum
World War 2 Vehicle database
Wealden Iron Research Group
Ninfield History Group
Wadhurst History Society