seaxe left Anglo Saxon History

seaxe right

Invaders - West Seaxe (Wessex) - conquest of Hampshire and Wiltshire

Cerdic and Cynric West Seaxe families start to land at Cerdicesora in 495AD and fight the locals
Anglo Saxon Chronicles - 495AD - Cerdicesora (Cerdic and Cynric)

Port and his two sons Mela and Beda land at Portsea
Anglo Saxon Chronicles - 501AD - Portsmouth (Port, Beda and Mela)

Cerdic and Cynric kill Natanleod and probably take the Meonwara land.
Anglo Saxon Chronicles - 508AD - Cerdicesford and Netley (Cerdic and Cynric)

Stuff and Whitgar arrive at Cerdicesora and probably settle on Binbridge Isle on the Isle of Wight.
Anglo Saxon Chronicles - 514AD - Stuff and Wihtgar

Cerdic and Cynric now control Wessex and fought the Britons at Shawford and take Winchester.
Anglo Saxon Chronicles - 519AD - Cerdicesford (Cerdic and Cynric)

Cerdic and Cynric fight the Britons at Lee and take over the New Forest area
Anglo Saxon Chronicles - 527AD - Cerdicesleigh (Cerdic and Cynric)

Cerdic and Cynric now attack or help Stuff and Whitgar attack the remainder of the Isle of Wight and take over by taking Carisbrook castle.
Anglo Saxon Chronicles - 530AD - Wihtgarabyrg (Cerdic and Cynric)

Cerdic dies and Cynric takes over, Cerdic possibly dies while supressing the Isle of Wight which is then given to Stuff and Whitgar. The island is probably known as Wihtesea initially but then becomes known as the Isle of Wight.
Anglo Saxon Chronicles - 534AD - Isle of Wight given to Stuff and Wihtgar

Cynric now fights the Britons at Searobyrg (Old Sarum) and then controls Southern Wiltshire.
Anglo Saxon Chronicles - 552AD - Searobyrg (Cynric)

Finally Cynric and Caewlin, probably his son fights the Britons at Beranbyrg (Barbury) and then controls northern Wiltshire.
Anglo Saxon Chronicles - 556AD - Beranbyrg (Cynric and Ceawlin)

Map showing the Battles of the West Seaxe (Wessex)
Map generated using Google My Maps 2024 - showing the Landscape, modern Counties and sea in 455AD

Please Note: this map is my interpretation of the Anglo Saxon Chronicles entries relating to the West Saxons and a number of their kings and their takeover of Hampshire and Wiltshire, the thick purple line shows the modern county boundary. The kingdom of the Suth Saxons are shaded in purple, the great Forest of Andredsweald is shaded in green.

The logic for the coastal changes and the Forest of Andredsweald can be viewed on the following pages:

Roman Roads in Britain

The Great Forest of Andredsweald - Anglo Saxon Chronicles

Landscape - Was the sea level in Saxon times at Pevensey 4 to 5 metres higher ?

Was the high tide in Saxon times 5 metres higher ? - the Wash

Landscape - The History of the Romney Marsh in maps(Pre-Roman to Modern times)

Roman Locations that have not been identified and roads that just terminate

The above timeline is valid according to the Anglo Saxon Chronicles, however the description of the events is my interpretation of the Chronicles, please read the individual links to see if you agree with this.

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Author Simon M - Last updated - 2024-11-23 09:48:04
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