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Alternately you may find one of our articles below of interest.

Battle of Hastings 1066AD - Norman Bows and Crossbows
Battle of Hastings 1066AD - King Harold was NOT killed by an arrow in the eye
Battle of Hastings 1066AD - The Hoar Apple tree
Battle of Hastings 1066AD - Warriors and Weapons - Huscarl(Housecarl)
Battle of Hastings 1066AD - Evidence for the Malfosse
Ships available to William the Conqueror
Battle of Hastings 1066AD - Senlac Hill where is it? and what does Senlac mean?
Battle of Hastings 1066AD - Saxon Shield Wall - did it really exist?
Battle of Hastings 1066AD ‑ The Coastline and Landscape
Battle of Hastings 1066AD - The Norman route across the Channel
Battle of Hastings 1066AD - Why the Hastings Area was important to Duke William
Landscape - The 1287AD Storm and its effect on the Kent and Sussex Coast
The Battle of Jengland AD851 - implies a quick defeat at Hastings 1066AD
Alfred the Great and the Burghal Hideage AD914
Background to this website
The Cinque Ports and Southern England
Landscape - The East Sussex Coastline about 500AD
Landscape - The Legend of Tenterden Church and the Goodwin Sands
Landscape - Archaeology
Alfred the Great's fort in Hastings where was it ??
Roman Locations that have not been identified and roads that just terminate
Roman Ironworking in the weald and why it declined
Roman Fortifications
The Roman Gallic Empire 260AD - 274AD 
Roman Roads in Britain
Landscape - The History of the Romney Marsh in maps(Pre-Roman to Modern times)
High Tide changes in the last 2000 years
Landscape - Was the sea level in Saxon times at Pevensey 4 to 5 metres higher ?
Landscape - Was the sea level in Saxon times in the Wash 4 to 5 metres higher ?
Place names - bury, burgh and borough what does they mean
Place names - Hurst, what does it mean
Landscape - The Cliffs of East Sussex and Erosion 450-2024AD
Landscape - The Great Oak Forest of Andredsweald
Battle of Hastings 1066AD - The Ship list of William the Conqueror
Town Creep - a Roman settlement ??
Viking/Norman ship facts


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Contact Simon
Author Simon M - Last updated - 01/01/1970 00:00
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Local Interest
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Battle and District Historical Society
Hastings Area Archaeological Research Group
For all things mosaic, commissions workshops etc please contact Hannah
Ninfield History Group
World War 2 Vehicle database
Battle Museum of Local History
(Hard to find but worth the Visit)
Hastings Rock the place to listen to
The Bald Explorer for local documentaries
Wealden Iron Research Group
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