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Norman Bows and Crossbows at the Battle of Hastings
King Harold was NOT killed by an arrow in the eye
Battle of Hastings 1066AD - The Hoar Apple tree
Battle of Hastings 1066AD - Warriors and Weapons Huscarl(Housecarl)
Battle of Hastings 1066AD - Evidence for the Malfosse
Senlac Hill where is it? and what does Senlac mean?
Battle of Hastings 1066AD - Saxon Shield Wall - did it really exist?
The 1287AD Storm and its effect on the Kent and Sussex Coast
The Battle of Jengland AD851 - implies a quick defeat at Hastings 1066AD
Alfred the Great and the Burghal Hideage AD914
Background to this website
The Cinque Ports and Southern England
The decline of the Roman Ironworkings in the weald
Landscape Archaeology
Decyphering the location of Alfred the Great's fort in Hastings
Types of Roman Fortification
The Roman Gallic Empire 260AD - 274AD 
Roman Roads in Britain
The History of the Romney Marsh in maps(Pre-Roman to Modern times)
High Tide changes in the last 2000 years
Was the high tide in Saxon times 5 metres higher ? - Pevensey
Was the high tide in Saxon times 5 metres higher ? - the Wash
The Great Forest of Andredsweald
The Ship list of William the Conqueror
Town Creep - a Roman settlement ??
Viking/Norman ship facts


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Author Simon M - Last updated - 01/01/1970 00:00
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