Saxon Seaxe Anglo Saxon History
Map Position
This map is showing 'Roman Implied, Roman Actual named locations ' of type 'Roman City, Roman Town, Roman Villa, Roman Major Fort, Roman Watch Tower, Roman Port, Roman Bloomery' centered on 53.08943,-1.4194 in .
Map Logic
This map shows Roman roads shown in black derived from Ivan D Margary 'Roman Roads in Britain' published in 1955. These maps are plotted as accurately as is possible from the books. There are problems with mapping 50 years later as there have been significant road and town changes which have hidden some of the original places mentioned in the texts.

The red roads are derived from Ivan D Margary 'Roman ways in the Weald' published in 1948.

Major Roman locations are shown as icons, please click the icon for the modern location and its Roman name.

This map shows the Roman Road course described by Ivan D Margary as 18d which goes from Derby(little Chester) - Chesterfield(Derby(little Chester) - Chesterfield)commonly known as 'Ryknild Street'.
Icon Key:

18d - Derby(little Chester) to Chesterfield
(Derby(little Chester) to Chesterfield)
commonly known as 'Ryknild Street'

Ivan D Margary Roman Road 18d starting near Derby in Derby ending near Chesterfield in Derbyshire ....

This route passes through the following locations.
Derby  Derby
Breadsall  Derbyshire
Morley  Derbyshire
Ilkeston  Derbyshire
Ilkeston  Derbyshire
Horsley Woodhouse  Derbyshire
Ripley  Derbyshire
Denby Village  Derbyshire
Ripley  Derbyshire
Lower Hartshay  Derbyshire
Ripley  Derbyshire
Pentrich  Derbyshire
Oakerthorpe  Derbyshire
Alfreton  Derbyshire
Higham  Derbyshire
Alfreton  Derbyshire
Stretton  Derbyshire
Clay Cross  Derbyshire
Chesterfield  Derbyshire
Old Tupton  Derbyshire
New Tupton  Derbyshire
Wingerworth  Derbyshire
Chesterfield  Derbyshire
Current translation for Derby
  der derived from deor - any wild animal but usually deer
  ending in by|by derived from buð - shelter
Found in Domesday 1086AD
Names found:Derbei(Cheshire)
Place name translation provided by
Current translation for Breadsall
  bread derived from bred - board or plank
  sall derived from sal - a rope, cord, line or rein
Found in Domesday 1086AD
Name found:Braideshale(Derbyshire)
Place name translation provided by
Current translation for Morley
  mor derived from mor - a moor, waste and damp land
  ley derived from el æg/leah - person's island if near the sea / open space, untilled land
Found in Domesday 1086AD
Names found:Morelege(Berkshire)
Place name translation provided by
Current translation for Ilkeston
  il derived from ildu - old
ke we cannot translate at the moment
  ston derived from stan - stone - probably a roman road, milestone or builders stone
Found in Domesday 1086AD
Name found:Tilchestune(Derbyshire)
Place name translation provided by
Current translation for Ilkeston
  il derived from ildu - old
ke we cannot translate at the moment
  ston derived from stan - stone - probably a roman road, milestone or builders stone
Found in Domesday 1086AD
Name found:Tilchestune(Derbyshire)
Place name translation provided by
Current translation for Horsley Woodhouse
  hors derived from heors - horse
  ley derived from el æg/leah - person's island if near the sea / open space, untilled land
  wood derived from wudu - wudu, earlier widu tree, trees collectively, forest, grove.
  house derived from hus - dwelling, shelter, house - from Proto-Germanic *husan
Place name translation provided by
Current translation for Ripley
  rip derived from rip - harvesting - farming
  ley derived from el æg/leah - person's island if near the sea / open space, untilled land
Found in Domesday 1086AD
Names found:Ripeleia(Berkshire)
Place name translation provided by
Current translation for Denby Village
  den derived from dænu/den-bera - a valley / a forest swine pasture, most were settled after Domesday
  ending in by|by derived from buð - shelter
  village derived from vilage - houses and other buildings in a group
Place name translation provided by
Current translation for Ripley
  rip derived from rip - harvesting - farming
  ley derived from el æg/leah - person's island if near the sea / open space, untilled land
Found in Domesday 1086AD
Names found:Ripeleia(Berkshire)
Place name translation provided by
Current translation for Lower Hartshay
  lower derived from lower - lower than
  harts derived from heort - a male deer or stag
  hay derived from heg - hay or dried grass
Place name translation provided by
Current translation for Ripley
  rip derived from rip - harvesting - farming
  ley derived from el æg/leah - person's island if near the sea / open space, untilled land
Found in Domesday 1086AD
Names found:Ripeleia(Berkshire)
Place name translation provided by
Current translation for Pentrich
  pen derived from pen - head or end
t we cannot translate at the moment
  rich derived from rice - powerful ruler
Found in Domesday 1086AD
Name found:Pentric(Derbyshire)
Place name translation provided by
Current translation for Oakerthorpe
  oak derived from aac - oak tree
  er derived from ere - a person
  thorpe derived from ƿorp - a crowd - a village
Place name translation provided by
Current translation for Alfreton
  al derived from el - eel
  fre derived from for - pig or hog
  ton derived from tun - a settlement on a hill
Found in Domesday 1086AD
Name found:Elstretune(Derbyshire)
Place name translation provided by
Current translation for Higham
  high derived from hoh - of great height, tall, conspicuously elevated
  am derived from hamm - Denotes a piece of land surrounded with paling, wicker-work, etc., and so defended against water, which would otherwise wash it away, so a valley settlement or settlement with a jetty.
Found in Domesday 1086AD
Names found:Hecham(Essex)
Place name translation provided by
Current translation for Alfreton
  al derived from el - eel
  fre derived from for - pig or hog
  ton derived from tun - a settlement on a hill
Found in Domesday 1086AD
Name found:Elstretune(Derbyshire)
Place name translation provided by
Current translation for Stretton
  stret derived from via strata - originally from the latin via strata(high paved road) -Old English stret (Mercian, Kentish), stræt (West Saxon)
  ton derived from tun - a settlement on a hill
Found in Domesday 1086AD
Names found:Estretone(Staffordshire)
Place name translation provided by
Current translation for Clay Cross
  clay derived from clæg - clay or possibly pottery
  cross derived from cruce - a cross(religious) , a crook or water pot, a crossing point
Place name translation provided by
Current translation for Chesterfield
  chester derived from cæster - roman fortified town
  field derived from feld - a field however quite a number were derived from welle a well
Found in Domesday 1086AD
Name found:Cestrefeld(Derbyshire)
Place name translation provided by
Current translation for Old Tupton
  old derived from eald - old or ancient
  tup derived from tæppa - ribbon, tape etc
  ton derived from tun - a settlement on a hill
Found in Domesday 1086AD
Names found:Topetune(Derbyshire)
Place name translation provided by
Current translation for New Tupton
  new derived from niwe - new
  tup derived from tæppa - ribbon, tape etc
  ton derived from tun - a settlement on a hill
Place name translation provided by
Current translation for Wingerworth
W we cannot translate at the moment
  inge derived from ænge - troubled village(appear to be fortlets or pallisaded villages)
  r derived from ere - person
  worth derived from weort/worð - wort, herb/land
Found in Domesday 1086AD
Name found:Wingreurde(Derbyshire)
Place name translation provided by
Current translation for Chesterfield
  chester derived from cæster - roman fortified town
  field derived from feld - a field however quite a number were derived from welle a well
Found in Domesday 1086AD
Name found:Cestrefeld(Derbyshire)
Place name translation provided by
Locations Shown on map
Original Name Type CountyCurrent Name

External References in no particular order :-
Anglo Saxon Chronicles
Online Anglo Saxon dictionary
Online Etymology dictionary
Open Domesday Book - The first free online copy of the Domesday Book
The Ermine Street Guard Roman re-enactment and research Society
The "Kent A" cadastre - page 5 - Peterson 2002
Archaeologia Cantiana Online
Romney Marsh Research Trust
Romney Marsh the Fifth Continent
VillageNet the reference guide to villages in Kent & Sussex
Global warming Flood Maps
The Anglo Saxon Chronicles
Google Maps - the core of the system
GeoPlaner - Useful site for plotting map data
Julius Caesar's Gallic Wars 55BC(Books 4 & 5)
Wikipedia - Caesar's invasions of Britain
Wikipedia - Portus Istus
The Geography of Claudius Ptolemy (Bill Thayers)
Runetree Beowulf
Bayeux Tapestry Online
The Secrets of the Norman Invasion
Chronicles of John of Worcester
Battle Historic Society
Binsted village website(Mearcredesburnan Steðe)
The Spears of Andred
Find British Archaelogical Sites
Wealden Iron Research Group
Topographic Map of the UK


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Author: Simon M - Last Updated: 08/11/2024 13:30
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Data is derived from a number or sources including the Ordnance Survey Gazetter data overlayed onto Google Maps